13 Mar

It's 4:30 am, the birds are singing outside. I love it. Like the crocuses blooming outside my front door, harbingers of spring.

Another sign of spring, one that is not pleasant to me, nor do I find it necessary, is that thing called 'Daylight Savings Time'. Especially when we set the clocks ahead so early in the season, it is like pushing us back into winters darkness.

 I leave for work way before 7 am. With the time change sunrise now will be around 7 instead of 6. Its been nice driving in pre-dawn light with the birds chirping me along, now its back to black, at least the birds will still be singing.

But for now I'm going to enjoy the full measure of this day, I hope you do too.

Oh, and by the way, where does that hour go to? I know, I know we're to get an hour extra of daylight in the evening which I find absurd, Mother Nature provides us with extended daylight hours at this time of the year any way. Just, doesn't it seem like the days move faster during Day Light Savings time? One minute the tulips are blooming and the next the leaves are falling, and we say, "what the heck happened to spring and summer?" And I say, don't mess with Mother Nature, she knows what she is doing, she knows what time the sun should rise and what time it should set. She has that information on good Authority.

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